
The concept
A robot factory is a place where pupils, trainees, students and anyone interested in robotics can experience state-of-the-art and intelligent robotics.
The concept of the robot factory was developed by the founder of our foundation, Prof. Haddadin, and brought to life during his time as professor and head of the Institute for Control Engineering at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hanover with the support of the Hanover Region. Germany’s first robot factory in Hanover was honoured by Minister President Weil as an Outstanding Landmark in the Land of Ideas. In the meantime, thanks to the support of the Robokind Foundation, there are already many other robot factories, most of which can be found in Lower Saxony. In the future, more robot factories are to be established in Lower Saxony and throughout Germany. Further information on the concept of the robot factories and a presentation of all the locations can be found on the website www.roboterfabriken.de.