ZeRiG – Centre for Robotics in Health Care
The Centre for Robotics in Health Care (ZeRiG) is our location at the KRH Nordstadt Hospital. In cooperation with the neurosurgery department under Prof. Dr. Nabavi, we were able to move into a disused operating theatre wing here. The old operating theatres now not only serve as training rooms, but also open up the unique opportunity to develop practical applications in direct exchange with medical staff.
With this in mind, we have prepared a survey for medical staff in order to tailor our future trainings more precisely to the needs of the participants. We would be very pleased to have your participation!
In May 2021, our efforts were rewarded with the award of ZeRiG as Digital Place Lower Saxony! We can now also be found on the Digital Agency Lower Saxony page.

KRH Klinikum Nordstadt Neurochirurgie (Haus C)
Haltenhoffstr. 41
30167 Hannover, Germany
Lena Winkelhake
+49 511 49537072
If you are part of the KRH College, we also offer you the opportunity to discuss your own ideas and concepts with us and Prof. Dr. Nabavi and, if necessary, to test them live on our robots. Feel free to contact us!

„With our ‘Digital Places of Lower Saxony’ award, we want to make top achievements in the field of digitalisation more visible to the public. The Robonatives Initiative points the way forward for Lower Saxony.“
Stefan Muhle, at the time State Secretary for Digitalisation in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labour, Transport and Digitalisation