Seal of approval for robotics-affine school

Seal of approval for robotics-affine school
Technologies of the future such as robotics and artificial intelligence are currently finding their way into the everyday teaching of many schools. The importance of these key disciplines for our society and economy is growing rapidly. New generations of collaborative robots, which allow direct cooperation between humans and machines, are now giving schools the opportunity to prepare their students for the working world of tomorrow. The creation and design of appropriate teaching concepts and the imparting of the relevant knowledge requires a great deal of commitment and dedication on the part of the teachers. The Robokind Foundation would like to make this commitment visible by awarding the seal of quality “robotics-affine school”!

Award winner 2021:
schools with an affinity for robotics: robotics-affine-schools-award-2021/
robotics-affine school (gold): BBS Neustadt
robotics-affine school (silver): Realschule Calberlah
robotics-affine school (silver): Max-Planck-Gymnasium Göttingen
robotics-affine school (bronze): Humboldtschule Hannover